
A Batalha Naval do Porto da Praia

"The Battle of Porto Praya was a naval battle which took place during the American Revolutionary War on April 16, 1781 between a British squadron under Commodore George Johnstone and a French squadron under the Bailli de Suffren. Both squadrons were en route to the Cape of Good Hope, the British to take it from the Dutch, the French aiming to help defend it and French possessions in the Indian Ocean. The British convoy and its escorting squadron had anchored at Porto Praya in the Cape Verde Islands to take on water, when the French squadron arrived and attacked them at anchor. Tactically the battle was a British victory, since some of the French ships were not ready for action, forcing Suffren to withdraw. Strategically however, the French had won the day. Suffren beat Johnstone to the Cape and managed to warn the Dutch, before continuing on his journey to the Ile de France (now Mauritius)." Na Wikipedia. E aqui a gravura acima (a preto e branco e numa escala maior) com a seguinte legenda: Combat Naval de la Praya 16 Avril 1781. Galrie Histque de Versailles.
Num outro site, e sobre a mesma batalha, há mais dados...
Le combat de La Praya - Tableau du marquis de Rossel
"Un raid à La Praya: En 1781, le bailli de Suffren recevait le commandement d'une division chargée de transporter des troupes au cap de Bonne-Espérance et composée de: 1 frégate, 1 corvette et 5 vaisseaux (2 de 74, le Héros, avec Suffren, et l'Annibal) et 3 de 64 canons. Aux îles du Cap-Vert, le vaisseau de 64 l'Artésien, contraint de faire aiguade, partit en reconnaissance et aperçut une flotte anglaise ; il dénombra 4 vaisseaux, 4 frégates, 10 vaisseaux (armés) de la Compagnie des Indes, ainsi que 16 transports.
(...) Ce fut un raid violent et les Anglais subirent des avaries telles que Suffren leur échappa et parvint avant eux au Cap, où il put débarquer les troupes destinées à la défense de la colonie. Quinze jours plus tard, les Anglais étaient en vue, mais il leur fallut renoncer à débarquer ; l'audace de Suffren avait été payante."